In the Press

AOL Press
Business Insider Press
Press Reuters
Press Reuters

Closing Arguments in Manafort Case
Reuters, August 2018.

WGN 9 Chicago News

Verdict Watch: The Drew Peterson Trial
WGN News, September 2012.
Alexandra Rudolph was asked by Chicago’s WGN News to provide insight into the jury’s deliberation during the high- profile Drew Peterson murder trial.

WGN 9 Chicago News

Allegations of Racism in Jury Selection
WGN Politics Tonight, March 2013.
Alexandra Rudolph is interviewed by WGN’s Politics Tonight regarding the federal tax fraud trial of Cook County Commissioner William Beavers. Beavers’ lawyers have argued that the absence of any African American males in the jury selection pool constituted racism.

The National Law Journal - News

Best of Chicago 2012 – Best Jury Consultant
The National Law Journal, October 2012. Download
Rudolph Trial Consulting was voted best jury consultant in Chicago by members of the city’s legal community.

News Bloomberg

Life Technology Told to Pay $52 Million in Promega Case
Bloomberg, February 2012. Download
Rudolph Trial Consulting provided a full suite of trial preparation services, including jury selection, to the Promega team, both pre-trial and during the proceedings. The jury returned a $52 million verdict and a finding of willfulness, which may result in a trebling of the damages and set a record for the Western District of Wisconsin.

News Chicago Tribune

Blagojevich prosecutor to step down
Chicago Tribune, January 2012. Download
Alexandra Rudolph was quoted in this Chicago Tribune article about the impact of cameras in Illinois court rooms.

News Lawyers USA

Presenting your expert as a teacher
Interview, Lawyers USA, July 2009. Download
Alexandra Rudolph was interviewed by Lawyers USA on how litigators can increase the effectiveness of their expert witnesses by presenting them to the jurors as teachers.

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